Monday, June 2, 2008

Thugnicent house in flames

Me and my younger cousin were talking about this messy story last night and he called 50 cent Thugnicent. I damn near pissed myself, I can't lie, I did a little. For those who don't know, Thugnicent is a character from "the Boondocks" that is a assortment on rappers. Well since everyone is up to speed, on to the news! If your reading this post, then you already know that Thugnicent house went up in flames like it was made out of matches this past Friday. Now ain't that some shit? Either the mother to his son set the house a flame after watching "Waiting to Exhale", you know Bernadine stlye or Thugnicent really did attempt to burn her ass up to make a point. Well which ever way is the lighted path, they weren't that smart a 5 gallon gasoline can was found in the ashes of the Barbie dreamhouse. Ain't that some more shit? They couldn't even burn the house down the correct way. I've already expressed my thoughts on the drama between 50 and his baby moms, so I'll spare my sheep a rant. Peep the fan made video from the movie that might have inspired the baby moms to burn the dreamhouse down, the laughs start at 2:12 my sheep!

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