Monday, April 14, 2008

Oprah is God

Whoever made this video, is going to hell! It's funny as hell though!

youtube is the devil!

This three goons were singing the hell out of them songs but they had me rolling with "Gingerale" single! Its the shit me e-babes!

the world is on it's way to hell

No comment on this shit right here?

Mimi as the cover art for "JET"

This mag is hella old but I work in a grocery store so it's a must read for me from time to time. I wonder who does her Photoshop....?

tree monkey news

So this is supposley the real album cover for the tree monkeys 3 album. This monkey is only on his third LP? damn...

Explain Kerri?

Its no lie that she is cute but I guess every beauty has a few flaws but DAMN!

Olivia done went & grew up!

DAMN raven! I heard this and was like, RAVEN?! What happened to that Disney music? No hate Raven, this beat and hook is hot! She finally made a song for women. Good 'head girl! Kudos boo!

Waslu's new video is finally here!

This and the "Hip hop saved my life" videos were worth the wait! This song has that 90s rap feel to it and he's looking mighty good in the scarf , suit and glasses! GOTTA LOVE THAT WASLU!

Alicia on the cover of"BLENDER"

My girl is lookin good as the cover art if I must say so! Kudos to you boo

Throwback video

Roger and Zapp - "I wanna be your man"

I don't know about you, but everytime I hear this song, one movie comes in mind: "Love and Baskerball"!


I LOVE THIS GIRL/BOY! I got my bitch bell handy!


So I took a 3 day weekend and rested up from blogging. But I had to check the YBF on my moblie and when I saw this pic of R.Kelly, I could do nothing but shake my damn hair. Explain this shit Kells? thanks for the pic crunk+disorderly