Lupe by now! Waslu is his given but his stage is Lupe Fiasco and I'm openly stanning for him! My Hollywood hubby has two albums under his belt and one more to go. After his third and final album, titled "LupeND", he will retire from rapping and live his life. Well ain't that some shit for my ass? Just when I find his ass, I learn that he going to retire! At least leave some money on the night stand and lock the door when you leave. As I've just told you a few lines up, he has two albums under his belt, "Food & Liquor" and "The Cool". "The Cool" is the latest of the two and more mainstream in my book. Although there are more songs that I go str8 to after listening to the spoken word, "Food & Liquor" is the better album. I could type for days about this underdog, I don't have the time nor do you so I'll spare you this time.
tracks from "Food & Liquor"
tracks from "The Cool"
My fav song throughtout his career is "American Terrorist" hands down.