Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Why all the fuss?

like most other blogs, I recently posted the cover of Vouge with LeBron. At the time, I didn't realize that the cover caused a rift with people. When I saw the cover compared to a picture of King Kong, I laughed! I saw nothing wrong with the picture. Today however, in one of me classes my lovely teacher wanted us to have a group discussion about the issue. I see no issue! If there is any sterotype on the cover, it had to be that black men are good at basketball and white women love to shop or that black basketball player have a white woman as their wives.
People felt that his facial expression was "apelike". Its called emotion! When he is on the court, he makes those faces and same for her on the runway! All I can say about my class discussion is that we are in college now! Most of the people in that class are in the late 20's with kids, grow the hell up! There is nothing wrong with that cover! Had it been on a black mag, would we still have this "issue" at hand? I'm pissed and have to go to work.....Lawd help me!

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